Friday, June 25, 2010

Fudge Friday

Grow yourself with fudge, figuratively and (unfortunately) literally!

As part of my quest to grow myself, I will be seeking new experiences, learning new things, doing things I've never done, and making all my own sweets. I figure, dessert is justifiable if I actually expend the effort to make my own.

So I made fudge! I've never made fudge before. It's always been one those things slightly shaded in mystery. What magical ingredients could make up such a delectable dessert? It isn't even something that is readily available at the store. If you're lucky, maybe someone in the office would make some of the delicious diet-buster and bring it in to the office. Otherwise you're forced to spend $5 for a quarter of a pound at the farmer's market.

So cracked open my cookbook and my magic cauldron (a.k.a. 2 qt saucepan). I added in 2 cups sugar, 2 ounces cut up unsweetened chocolate, 3/4 cup half and half, one teaspoon light-colored corn syrup, and 1/8 teaspoon of salt.

Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. To translate: I cooked it over medium heat until it boiled. Then you have to constantly fidget with the heat to keep a slow boil going, not too fast, not too slow. The cookbook said it would take about 20 to 25 minutes to reach 236 degrees, but it ended up taking closer to 40.

Once at the desired temp, I removed the pan from the heat and added 2 Tbs of butter and 1 tsp of vanilla. This was the hardest part for me because you don't stir in the butter and vanilla. You just let it sit there and melt and diffuse. I don't know why, but I'm guessing it's to allow the magic to happen. Once it reached 110 degrees, I beat the mixture until it begins to thicken, then added nut, then beat it some more. Actually my husband and brother-in-law both took part in the beating. It was a family affair. Once the mixture has lost its gloss, I spread it into a pre-greased foil lined loaf pan and ended up with 1.25 lbs of delicious goodness!

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